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Did Someone You Know Just Come Out?
Your first reaction to learning that your loved one is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning can range anywhere from anger to sadness, fear to hurt, confusion to grief, and anywhere and everything in between. These emotions are normal, and are experienced by thousands of other parents, families, and friends as they navigate their loved ones' coming out process.
We can tell you with absolute certainty that you're not alone. According to statistics, one in every ten people in this country and around the world is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Approximately one in four families has an immediate family member who is LGBT, and most people have at least one LGBT individual in their extended circle of friends and family.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is here for you. Our members are parents, families and friends of LGBT people and LGBT people themselves. We have been through much of what you are now feeling. We understand.
Support Group Meetings
Champaign/Clark County PFLAG meetings are held on the fourth tuesday of every month at 7 pm. PFLAG's Policy of Confidentiality is observed at all meetings.
- Meeting Location: Messiah Lutheran Church, Urbana, OH.
Get Directions
Visit the PFLAG Group Locator to find a PFLAG Group close to your home.
For more information on meetings, or for questions in general, please contact us at
Email our local PFLAG Group
If you have questions for the group about our meetings or anything else, please Email our Chapter President.
Find Answers To Your Questions
Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender People
Our Daughers and Sons: Questions and Answers for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered People
PFLAG Story Center You're not alone. Read stories by others on how they gained a better understanding of LGBT friends and family.
The Family Acceptance Page: Jeff and Patti share their experiences coming to terms with their son's sexual identity
Be Yourself: Questions and Answers for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual Youth (newly revised expanded!)
Religion and Homosexuality Parents, Families Friends Talk About Religion Homosexuality
Opening the Straight Spouses Closet - A guide for understanding issues facing families with gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered spouses.
Bisexuality Resource Packet - This packet provides facts about bisexuality, commonly-asked questions, resource lists and a set of articles.
Our Trans Children: Understanding and dealing with your transgendered child
"What does Gay Mean?" How to talk to kids about homosexuality and prejudice
PFLAG's National Support Resources Page
"It Gets Better" Project A series of testimonies to help LGBT youth make it through the hard times.